If you live in Lagos, you should have noticed the rise in the
number of ladies going au naturel. Now I am sure in other cities in Nigeria
there is also rise but I live in Lagos now and can only comment from my
experience here.
So natural hair is on the rise; more and more Nigerian women
are doing the BC and starting out the journey of self-discovery and hair and
all that jazz. You don’t have to be an overly observant person to have noticed
all the kinky sisters walking around Lagos. Because believe me we are
everywhere. I mean everywhere; from TWAs to big in your face afros to twists
outs and two strand twists, we are everywhere. So the "trend" has caught on, I don’t think it
is a bad thing. But the thing with trends is that they pass and if ladies are
doing because it’s a trend then once this trend moves on what happens then?
I worry that if one does not go natural for pure love of one’s
hair and self then one can easily be swept away with the tides. I hope that
ladies are going natural for their own personal reasons and they have truly seen the
light. As much as this may be a trend I believe it is a good trend. We have not
won yet but we are getting there.
I remember seeing picture of my mom when she was younger
with an afro. And it wasn’t just her, everyone in that era had afros and afro
puffs. Then came the relaxers and weaves and human hair and now looks like we
are right back to the beginning. You can also say that this will mean another
cycle has begun, maybe, but I doubt it. We now know more about our hair and the
benefits of keeping it in its natural state. May be on the return of the relaxer only the
true converts will stand tall, flying the natural flag (lol)
I really don’t like it when people say “oh your hair is
natural, it’s in vogue now or it’s the trend”. NOPE! I went natural because my
hair didn’t do so well relaxed and I didn’t help the situation by flat ironing
and coloring it. I am happy I went natural; do I think of relaxing my hair
again? Not in this life time.