Thursday, 22 March 2012



I am addicted to blogs, I read blogs from all over the world and on different views and topics. I recently started writing for a friend of mine ( and my entries did quite well. That gave me the boost I needed to finally decide to start my own blog. Also I need an outlet for all the conversations I have with myself in my head LOL  

This blog will mainly be on lifestyle issues, such as relationships, healthy living and hair and skin care. I am quite into DIY so a lot of that will be featured on the blog as well. I have always hoped that I am a good role model to my two younger sisters so I am hoping that I will be able to give out a lot of useful tips and information as well as be an inspiration to help others via the blog.

I think it shouldn’t be too hard to find interesting material as there is so much going on around us every day. I hope someone enjoys reading my entries as much as I enjoy gathering information and writing them down.

So from this Efik goddess ……. Here goes…..

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