Friday, 7 September 2012

1 thing not to do before 30

Seeing that I am in my mid late 20s , every time I see a write-up titled "30 things to do before 30". My internal clock is once again remained that time's a ticking. I know no  one is holding a gun to my head saying " you must get them done or else", but the idea of 30 must dos before 30 is a little unrealistic. 

But why should I feel pressured  into feeling that my 30 years on earth will not be complete if I do not accomplish 30 said things. Life is a maze and we all will go it through differently so there can't be 30 must do things before 30. We also have our different goals and different paths. Some of us will marry and have children before 30, some of us wont. Some of us will understand our passion and know our purpose on earth by 30 but most wont. Some of us will have passport full of stamps and visas( if you are Nigerian) but others won't. So I say to all my late 20s youth, to hell with the list of things to do before 30 and embrace life as it come.  

1 thing not to do before 30, is not have a list of 30 things to do before 30.

However if it is a personal list like a life plan, oh then that's great. 

By the way 20s are the new teens .... HA!( who come be monkey now?!)

1 comment:

Dee said...

@"20s are the new teens" LOL! Luv it!! Don't feel bad bout going into late 20s mode now