Thursday, 12 November 2015

Operation grow my edges

So after the loss of my already naturally scanty fragile baby-hair edges, I am on a mission to re-grow them.

So far, so good. as you can see in the picture, it looks like the hair is growing out. Trust me it was worse than this, I literally had bald spots.

My plan is to:
  1. Stop any hair style that pulls my hairline- the above hair style was done so loosely I didn't feel any pain or tension.
  2. Increase low manipulation and protective styles- I will be using wigs, weaving (corn rows) and braids with "brush" in front
  3. Increase the application of tea-tree essential oil and Castor oil to my hair line- I find that this mix works well for me. It improves the growth rate of my hair and also helps with itchy scalp.
  4. General TLC for my hair- for me this means weekly deep conditioning, protein treatments and dogonyaro (neem leaves) rinses
I know it may take a while, so I have to be patient and gentle with the process.

For all hair types growth process it is important to set realistic goals; my goal is healthy hair. Healthy hair trumps long hair in my books.

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