Showing posts with label natural baby. Show all posts
Showing posts with label natural baby. Show all posts

Thursday, 23 June 2016

Sharing the Nappy Goodness with the next generation

I'm so excited about my little girl's hair.

I get to share all the nappy goodness with her.

Well she really doesn't have a choice till she turns 18, she will have natural hair.

She is only 10 months old; yes I know, still very much a baby but I have already got into a simple routine for her. We wash her hair once a week with a mild baby shampoo. Air dry, then apply coconut oil. I avoid combing too much so I comb when her hair is wet and that's all. Her hair is still soft so its easy to manage.
When her hair is dry I pack it into little puffs. I usually have to redo do the puffs once or twice during the week but I only finger comb.
I moisturize with a water, aloe vera juice and coconut oil mix when I feel the hair is a little dry. I tried putting her hair in a silk bonnet when she sleeps but it always fell off and her father didn't approve of it.
 I know she still has baby hair, but I can tell she took my hair type; soft and coily.  The only down side to this hair type is that it doesn't hold weaving or corn rolls well until her hair gets a little stronger. Even my hair still doesn't hold weaving well.

It's an exciting new journey for us. My natural journey so far has provided me with so much information, dos and don'ts that I can apply to her hair and pass on to her. I'm a happy momma.