Showing posts with label confidence. Show all posts
Showing posts with label confidence. Show all posts

Wednesday, 17 August 2016

Before you cut your hair

A few months ago I cut my hair, it was cut into a tapered shape. Tapered cuts usually have the hair at the back of the head shorter than the front.

I was happy with it for all of three weeks.

Just three weeks. After that I wanted/want my old length back!

I started to think why I was having this issue with my hair?  Simple answer is I was indeed bored with my hair. WTH right? I know! We all experience periods where we would like to do something different with our hair. Most times changing the style or cut the hair is what we do.

Since I regret my hair cut, I've written this down as a kind of check list for the future, in the inevitable event that I get bored again. You too can use these points to avoid regretting a planned or spontaneous hair style cut or change.

1. Think long and hard to be sure that you want to go through with it
2. Do research about the new style, what is required to maintain the hair style and how often you will need to re-cut or re-style
3. Again, think long and hard to be sure you aren't just bored
4. Look for a good stylist to cut your hair, last thing you want it to be stuck with a crappy hair cut
5. Be sure you will be happy with the chosen hair style and it will suit your face
6. Is this a spontaneous move?
7. Will your hair be healthier in the new style or cut?

I will admit that since I cut my hair, I've been paying more attention to it so my hair is healthier. 
Also I didn't cut it too short, at the moment I can put my hair in an up do.


Friday, 4 December 2015

Who are the true naturals?

So yesterday, I heard about a massive sale on virgin hair by a big retail hair store in Lagos. Being the cheap person that I am, my attention was drawn to the word SALE. LOL.

So, I thought to go have a look; if the price was right I would get me some exotic virgin hair.

I did find something that was good for my wallet. I got two bundles and closure 10 inches natural color, which was made into a wig.  I wanted to have it colored to a light brown but story changed when I asked how much that would cost. (I can color my hair myself! MTCHWEE)

Feeling content, I showed my boyfriend my new acquisition and he said “but are you not natural, why do you need this human hair stuff?" And I said “because I have natural hair doesn't mean I can't wear other types of hair. His response was “NO! That doesn't make you a true natural". We had a long conversation about the matter and we agreed to disagree. 

Our conversation brought to mind an argument I saw online once within the natural hair community. There was #teamnaturalwithoutanyextensions, #teamnaturalwhowearextentions #teamnaturalwhodonotGAF (I made up the hashtags)

Monday, 4 August 2014

Pimples, breakouts and face mapping

A few days ago I had breakout on my chin; it had been a while since I broke out so severely. It had me thinking as to why I was breaking out in that area only. I usually have one or two pimples on my cheek but not as bad as this particular episode. I was very sure that there was a reason, so, google to the rescue. 

Dermatologists have what is called face mapping; a combination of  ancient Chinese practice  and modern day dermatological science used cure acne through identifying parts the face that are linked to other parts of the body. 

The face is mapped out into different zones; break out in different zones correspond to different problems. So, with this “map” as your guide, you can address the underlying causes of blemishes/break out and not only make the unsightly zits vanish but also treat a primary health problem in time.

Zone 1 & 2 indicates problems with Digestive System — recommendation is to -eat less processed or junk food, reduces the amount of fat in your diet, step up water intake and opt for cooling foods like cucumbers.

Zone 3 indicates problems with Liver — recommendation is to cut -out the alcohol, greasy food and dairy. This is the zone where food allergies also show up first, so take a look at your ingredients. Besides all this, do 30 minutes of light exercise every day and get adequate sleep so your liver can rest.

Zones 4 & 5 indicates problems with Kidneys — recommendation is to DRINK UP! Anything around the eyes (including dark circles) points to dehydration. ……Drink up!

Zone 6 indicates problems with the Heart — recommendation is to check your blood pressure and Vitamin B levels. Decrease the intake of spicy or pungent food, cut down on meat and get more fresh air. Besides this, look into ways to lower cholesterol, like replacing “bad fats” with “good fats” such as Omegas 3 and 6 found in nuts, avocados, fish and flax seed. Also, since this area is chock-full of dilated pores, check that your makeup is not past its expiry date or is skin-clogging.

Zone 7 & 8 (the other ear area) indicates problems with Kidneys — recommendation is, again, drink up! And cut down on aerated drinks, coffee and alcohol as these will cause further dehydration.

Zone 9 & 10 indicates problems with Respiratory system — Do you smoke? Have allergies? This is your problem area for both. If neither of these is the issue, don’t let your body overheat, eat more cooling foods, cut down on sugar and get more fresh air. Also keep the body more alkaline by avoiding foods that make the body acidic (meat, dairy, alcohol, caffeine, sugar) and adding more alkalizing foods like green veggies and wheat grass juice. Another thing that most of forget – dirty cell phones and pillow cases are two of the top acne culprits and this area is what they affect the most!

Zone 11 & 12 indicates problems with Hormones — This is the signature zone for stress and hormonal changes. And while both are sometimes unavoidable, you can decrease their effect by getting adequate sleep, drinking enough water, eating leafy veggies and keeping skin scrupulously clean. Another interesting point: breakouts in this area indicate when you are ovulating (and on which side).

Zone 13 indicates problems with Stomach — recommendation is to Step up the fibre intake, reduce the toxin overload and drink herbal teas to help with digestion.

Zone 14 indicates Illness — Zits here can be a sign that your body is fighting bacteria to avoid illness. Give it a break, take a yoga class, take a nap, and take time to breathe deeply, drink plenty of water and know that everything always works out!

I recently discovered the amazing power  tea tree oil; it works magic on breakout. Best part is it also helps reduce the appearance of spots. You can apply the diluted essential oil  all over your face or just on the pesty zits. 

Wednesday, 2 April 2014

30 is not the new 20- Meg Jay

Okay, this saddened me a little but hopefully it will help someone else. I wish I had some of this knowledge at 24; I would be on a much better life path now. It may never be too late to make changes to one life but one would have lived a better life if the right changes were made earlier.