Wednesday 12 December 2012

Weight management

Anyone who has lost, gained and lost weight as many times as I have will testify that maintaining a certain weight is just as hard as losing weight.

In 2009 I was a small size 12 by the end of 2010 I was a big 14. Since then I've been a 12 and a 14 again. It not that I don't have control; the problem is Nigerian food is soooooooo goood and I am a big foodie. Since I moved to Lagos away from my well planned workout regimen in Abuja, I've put on a few and in not so faltering areas, eeekkk..... But with diligence and research I am now seeing some weight loss.

I have stopped eating rice, wheat and flour; anything made from them is a no no. My body agrees with yam and sweet potatoes and digests them well. I eat beans but in small quantities. I seldom have plantains or corn. 

Dark greens are supper healthy and thank goodness there are ample foods made from dark greens around.

A very major lesson I've learned is portion control. You know what they say the keys to weight loss are “70% diet and 30% exercises”? Well, I will modify that to 70% of right amount and quality of diet and 30% exercise. What I now do is eat 50% of what I would usually have; then fill up with water. Once I got used to eating less, i began feeling lighter and saw changes in my weight quicker. 

Exercise is still important to speed up weight loss and tone up them muscles. I go for Zumba and Pilates classes close to my office three times a week. Due to logistics and proximity this is what I can do but I should be doing more.  

Maintaining or losing weight shouldn't be seen has this impossible task. Once you make up your mind to make it part of your life style and tackle each step with an open mind it becomes easy in no time.

I don’t starve myself of anything! I know that the content of most cakes will leave me bloated and uncomfortable so I avoid them or have very little (I usually have very little lol)

The most important thing is I am seeing direct results from knowing what foods my body processes better and reducing my food portions.

You should try reduce your portions for a month and see how it goes. 

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