Wednesday 6 March 2013

Current regimen

Now that my hair is short again, my regimen has changed. Shorter natural hair is so much easier to take care of. There is less detangling to do, less styling and less amount of products consumed lol

So my current regimen includes weekly co-wash on Saturday mornings after my workout with my VO5 conditioner then I deep condition with either a home-made concoction or a Miss Jessie’s sweet back treatment, I usually alternate between them. Then I apply leave in conditioner, currently using Dark n Lovely (I find that it is inexpensive and works well with my hair) also olive oil or coconut oil. Then I let my hair air dry; which surprisingly takes a few hours to completely dry. Some weekends I add Eco styler gel to my hair and finger coil but this doesn’t happen often. 

During the week, I mist my hair every morning with a mixture of leave-in conditioner, EVOO and water from a small spray bottle. I use a satin scarf to sleep every night. Because the scarf presses my hair and gives it a funny shape, all I do for styling in the morning is mist then rub my finger through my hair to sort of lift the hair and style. 

Once a month I do henna treatment overnight. I usually do it on a Friday night and wash it out on Saturday morning. Henna helps my hair with incresed volume, reduced breakage and great natural shine.

I shampoo my hair every six weeks because I feel my hair does not need to be washed that deep as the co-washing really cleans my hair and my hair isn’t very full making it easy to clean.

I don’t use any combs or heat on my hair. Because my hair is fine and light I try not to use too many products and I use light oils. When I use Shea butter, it is in small amounts and usually on wet hair to help lock in the moisture. 

Oils and products I am currently using: VO5 conditioner, Dark n lovely conditioner, EVOO, Coconut oil, Shea butter, Palm nut oil (mayanga), Local henna, Miss Jessie’s sweetback treatment. I may try new products soon but these ones work well for my hair and I am satisfied with the results I get. Finding products that are good for my hair and are regularly stocked in shops in Nigeria is a pain, so I stick to what works for me. The oils and products can be found in markets and shops every where in Nigeria.

For my home made deep treatment, I mix regular mayonnaise, honey, an egg and EVOO and apply to damp co-washed hair and leave for 30 minutes. Then rinse out with warm water. 

I have dogonyaro leaves (I forget the English name) I use to rinse out my hair whenever I feel like my scalp is itchy or there are signs of dandruff. I boil the dry leaves for a few minutes and use the water to rinse out my hair after my Saturday co-wash. I think the fresh leaves can be used as well but for preservation I use the dry ones. 

It is very important for every natural to find a routine and products that work best for your hair. My hair goals this year is to have healthy, breakage free hair. 

more coils than curls

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