Showing posts with label dogonyaro. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dogonyaro. Show all posts

Friday 27 November 2015

Postpartum hair loss

Hey guys, so in my previous post I talked about how I lost a lot of hair around my hair line mainly the front edges. I had thought it was dues to the tight weaving I had subjected my self to.

Turns out, I was wrong.

I saw a post on instagram on why TY Bello cut her hair and it got me thinking about my sudden hair loss. So I did a bit of research and it turns out I am experiencing postpartum hair loss.

I did not know this but a large number of women experience hair loss especially around the front parts of their hair, between three to six months postpartum.  This is exactly the areas where my hair has disappeared. I know this to be true because even though I am virtually bald in two spots in the front of my head; the amount of hair that is in my comb after I comb through is very unusual.

The explanation for postpartum hair loss is simple. Our hair grows in the process of growth - resting -shedding. During pregnancy, due to increased levels of estrogen, hair loss is reduced and the growing and resting phase for hair is lengthened. The hormone prevents our hair from shedding as much as it usually would. This is why most women have fuller longer, lusher hair during the months of pregnancy. After the birth of the child, the estrogen levels drastically reduce and this increases the shedding phase.

The good news is that this phase is over soon. Most women say their hair returned to it's per-pregnancy fullness before the child's first birthday. 

Thursday 12 November 2015

Operation grow my edges

So after the loss of my already naturally scanty fragile baby-hair edges, I am on a mission to re-grow them.

So far, so good. as you can see in the picture, it looks like the hair is growing out. Trust me it was worse than this, I literally had bald spots.

My plan is to:
  1. Stop any hair style that pulls my hairline- the above hair style was done so loosely I didn't feel any pain or tension.
  2. Increase low manipulation and protective styles- I will be using wigs, weaving (corn rows) and braids with "brush" in front
  3. Increase the application of tea-tree essential oil and Castor oil to my hair line- I find that this mix works well for me. It improves the growth rate of my hair and also helps with itchy scalp.
  4. General TLC for my hair- for me this means weekly deep conditioning, protein treatments and dogonyaro (neem leaves) rinses
I know it may take a while, so I have to be patient and gentle with the process.

For all hair types growth process it is important to set realistic goals; my goal is healthy hair. Healthy hair trumps long hair in my books.

Monday 4 November 2013

How I use dogonyaro or neem leaves

Two weekends ago I was getting my hair braided and the "braider" said I had dandruff ... Oh the horror!. I assured her that it wasn't possible but she insisted and I insisted right back. No way do I have dry white flakes on my scalp. Especially with all the oil I base my scalp with and me sef could not see the flakes.

So to be on the safe side I decided to use my dry dogonyaro leaves; as they have mortising properties and help fight dandruff. I boiled the leave and used the water to rinse out my hair after I deep conditioned. Some of the water got in my mouth; that was not a nice experience.

I put the dry leaves in a net like bag and boil. I think a few weeks of this treatment should help eliminate any white flakes on my scalp.